Benefits of Chewing Food Longer Slowly Smooth Up for Health

Food is a source of energy for every living thing on earth, including humans. Chewing food is something that must be done while eating. However, most humans chew food in a short time and quickly. In fact, it is not good for health, especially for the digestive organs. In addition, chew food slowly and for a long time, it is recommended and should to be done. Thus, many people are asking, why chew food should be long? Well, the following explanation.
Benefits of Chewing Food Slowly & Longer

1. Organ Helps Digestion
Chewing food slowly can help the digestive organs to not work harder time digesting food. Instead, chew food until the new smooth swallowed. It is intended that the stomach does not work too heavy long - over time can cause disturbances in the digestive organs. In addition, the food is chewed until smooth can be digested well by the digestive organs and nutritional content can be streamed to the whole body.

2. Reduce Stress
Enjoy the food and eat food full of feelings can calm the mind and avoid stress. With food in to eat slowly can make a person more to enjoy the food and maintaining mental health.

3. Lose weight
With no rush to chew food can make a solution for weight loss. Because, by chewing food until smooth can make a person consumes calories slightly. Thus, able to make the body be preserved and maintained ideal body shape. In addition, the brain has a response that can provide information if the stomach is full. If too quickly chomped and swallowed can pass a full response from the brain. On the contrary, when chewing food slowly and for a long time, the response of the brain full stomach is acceptable and not missed.

4. Spared From Greedy
Eating with emotional or greedy can make you gain weight and dangerous to health. This is because the food we eat is not chewed gently and simply make a full stomach is not perfect. Instead, eat foods done slowly and without including his emotions.

So, the food is most important for health. Instead, eat foods that are nutritious and rich in nutrients and chew when eating these foods until smooth and slowly so that we can enjoy the benefits of the food for the body.

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