Dandelion Flower Benefits For Health And Beauty

It is not a new thing that the dandelion is a beautiful plant, so it is suitable for use as a garnish or decoration in the vast expanse of land. This plant is well loved by all the children and adults, most of them liked to linger near these flowers.
Dandelion is identical with its tiny and cute, this plant can reproduce by wind. However, who would have guessed behind cute and beautiful shape apparently saved a lot of benefits to our health.

1. Maintaining Bone Health
High content of calcium in it is useful to maintain bone health, prevent bone loss are useful for maintaining bone density

2. Smooth Digestive System
This flower is able to increase appetite and is useful for the digestive system so that the digestive organs to be healthy and avoid the various problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

3. Reduce Heart Disease Risk
High antioxidant and vitamin C in it helpful to combat toxins in the liver, in addition, both the content is useful to maximize the function of the liver and can regulate the production of bile.

4. Against Cancer
Dandelion leaves have a high content of phytonutrients that has the ability to prevent and reduce the growth of cancer cells.

5. Boost Immune System
This plant plays a very effective way to combat infections caused by harmful microbes and fungi that can degrade the immune system or immunity.

6. Lower Blood Pressure
Its diuretic properties useful for maintaining blood pressure, on the other hand there is the content of potassium and fiber that serves to stabilize blood circulation and blood pressure.

7. Reduce Acne
Dandelion tea consumption is useful to reduce acne and smooth the skin because the content fitronutrien in it acts to remove dead skin cells and serves to remove impurities that cause acne.

8. Lose Weight
Its natural diuretic properties useful for the digestive system so it is useful to smooth urination and defecation, the more fat is excreted through feces will lose weight naturally.

Dandelion indeed can be processed into traditional medicines, such as dandelion tea. However, this plant can cause allergies for some people to consult first with a doctor before taking it. greeting healthy

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